Environmentally-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Items

When you’re preparing your home for a sale, you should declutter as much as possible. That makes your property appear neater and more spacious to buyers.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to toss items in the trash or haul them to a landfill site. There are many other, more environmentally-friendly ways to dispose of unwanted items.

One popular technique is to sell them online. Even if you think an old chair isn’t worth much, as the saying goes, “One person’s junk is another’s treasure.” There are several websites for selling items quickly, including Facebook Marketplace. In fact, you can list items today and potentially sell them this week. Just be sure to set prices low, as people tend to look for deals on these sites.

You can also give away items. Post items you’re willing to part with for free on your community’s Facebook page. You can also pin a poster to an announcements board in your neighbourhood.

Donating items is also an option. There are many charities that accept items such as clothes, furnishings, tools, kitchenware, and sports equipment. Google “Where to donate items” and then add the name of your area.

Finally, an old-fashioned garage or yard sale can be effective. Place signs throughout your neighbourhood announcing the sale. Start your sale early. Many hardcore garage sale lovers will be there as soon as you open, even if that’s 7am!

Want more advice on how to prepare your home for sale? Call me today!


Selling Quickly Without Compromising on Price

There are many reasons homeowners may need to sell their property — fast. Work relocations, changes in family makeup, and financial needs are among the most common.

If you find yourself in a position where you need to sell quickly, you don’t necessarily have to go to market with a temptingly low price. Here are some other ways to accelerate the sale of your home:

1. Make your property as move-in ready as possible. Get any needed repairs done. Ensure everything is tidy.

2. Hire the help you need. Getting a professional to do some or all of the prep work, will save you time. And, the cost may be offset by a boost to your home’s sale-value.

3. Use the latest staging techniques to make your home look great to buyers. Staging is proven to help sell a property faster.

4. Remove as many impediments to a quick sale as possible. Consider offers with conditions. Be flexible when it comes to a buyer’s need for a particular closing date.

5. Accommodate as many viewing appointments as possible in the early days of the listing. They may be inconvenient, but the more buyers see your property, the more likely you are to get a quick offer.

6. Make sure your home is marketed in a way that attracts qualified buyers, quickly.

These are just some of the many ways to list and sell your property, faster, while still getting a good price. There are other techniques that can be employed, depending on your listing and market conditions.

Want to learn more? Call me!
